The flavor behind
Grand Touring’s new east relocation for the luxury line up: Jaguar and Landrover automobiles. Our promotional models were there!
A Union Jack runner is led the showroom floor for this spectacular city affair. Grand Touring automotives heads east of the city in Toronto and is now home to the present showroom for its line up of renowned English Luxury car brands: Jaguar and Landrover.
Eight of our bright-eyed, pearly grined promotional models clad in spring appropriate floral dresses, line up with the 2018 showroom offerings of Jaguar and Landrover’s fleet alongside the city’s creme de creme guests and social elite.
What took place was a spread of hors d’oeuvres, free-flowing cocktails, ambient sounds catered by a live DJ and the vibrant energy which hosted the guests courtesy of our promotional models. While the feed was live and the social media posts on Instagram garnered the attention of the city’s affluents, comments flooded our inbox with complimenting statements such as “ your girls were elegant and didn’t miss a beat”. Another guest stated “ well done, the girls were a nice touch”, it tremendously speaks about pitfitimf promotional models and the right promotional staffing can properly tune the room.
Promotional staffing is just that- an enhancing element to connect the guests, users, and audience to a voice, humanly touch and a live experience. Beyond generalizing the role of a promotional model as mere a pretty face; the reality speaks on the power that these personnel have in connecting the soul of an inanimate object to an experience hosted by real people.
Our promo models spoke with confidence on the English background of both brands and merged in a light humor to direct the guests’ energy onto a social expectation. Apart of our brand thread at Scene Queen Group, we strive to maintain a professional effort addressing core messages of the event, brand mission but balancing it with the light-hearted tone that we’re here to represent a cool air of friendliness.
During this event, the brand hired our promo models with the brands in mind- luxury. Luxury means different things to different people and definitely to different industries. In the luxury automotive industry, the voices behind the product should be knowledgeable about the technological advantages and key differences between car brands.
When we initially chatted with the marketing heads behind this event we assured them that our promo models would be equipped to handle the crowd and able to engage in conversations about the products/services hosted by Jaguar and Landrover at Grand Touring East.
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